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Healing trauma through connection and trust

(Uplift) On an English farm in Surrey, a man is experimenting with groundbreaking work in horse rehabilitation and animal communication. At Mane Chance Sanctuary in England, traumatized and damaged horses are peacefully rehabilitated, their negative sensitivity transformed into the most beautiful heartwarming connections.

The power of the animal human connection

James French has created the Trust Technique, a synergy of both healing and communication principles. It helps animals and people resolve problems by finding confidence and trust. The healing process is a shared journey with both animals and humans receiving healing. Building trust turns problems into an opportunity for development and learning.

Animal lovers have long understood the healing power of horses, and Equine Assisted Therapy is a respected therapeutic framework that has had great results treating autism, trauma, addiction, anxiety, mood disorders, behavioural disorders, depression, and many other conditions. Horses have a resonant heart field that is 5 times greater than humans and they have amplified electrical heart energy. When a human heart and mind is entrained to that of a horse, something magical happens and deep healing at the nervous system and cellular level can take place.

James French has a dream to elevate the human relationship with horses to one based on trust and connection, instead of fear. He believes there is no place for dominance in horse care, and that horses have great value as healers. This video shows a new paradigm and possibility for humans to relate to animals.

Source: Uplift

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