
Kaypacha: Astrology for the soul july 22, 2020

(New Paradigm Astrology) Astrology for the soul july 22, 2020 – Pele report, astrology forecast.

Astrology forecast of july 22, 2020

Round and round and round in the circle game! What goes up must come down, spinnin’ wheels gotta go round. So what’s on the rise is the new impulse for a new paradigm being forcefully, sometimes radically, sometimes violently, expressing with this Mercury 90 degree square to Mars in Aries (the sign of new beginnings). This will continue to escalate right up to the opposition September 24th (near the time that Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto start to go forward again!).

While it’s a good time to “imagineer,” there is also a strong impulse to rebel, tear down, destroy the old, and just be mean. Not to lay blame, but in many cases the old not giving way to, or supporting the growth of the new, in some ways is asking for it. A simple analogy is that of the parent child relationship. Some of us have/had parents that supported our individual self expression thereby requiring little arguing/distancing/rebelling in order for that expression to manifest. Others of us have/had parents that did not support, but try/tried to control our expression. In this case we either succumb/ed to their domination or rebelled/distanced ourselves from them in order to individuate. In some cases it could/would build up to violent confrontation.

The way I see the world unfolding at this time indicates that we are in a situation where the “powers that be,” are not supporting the unfolding of the new, individuated, diverse forms of expression. The ensuing “peaceful protests” turning violent is the result of this “not listening.” On the other hand, the “parents,” or existing authorities can also serve the emerging new impulses by offering wisdom and guidance rather than letting impulsive acts of expression bring harm. Hence the new Moon of this month having the Sabian symbol of the muse balancing the scales.

The mantra for this week:

There is inevitable loss following gain,
As the waxing full Moon will certainly wane,
One part of learning is producing the show,
The other is listening in order to grow.


Source: New Paradigm Astrology

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