
Preparing and choosing your sacred journey – Vera Lopez

(Lilou Macé) Vera Lopez is a native of Brazil and International Transformational Teacher and Coach. She began studying spirituality at the age of eighteen in Brazil.

For fourteen years she studied and worked with Luiz Gasparetto, a well known Psychologist – Metaphysical Teacher and Spiritual Psychic Artist, in his spiritual and metaphysical center in Brazil. There she realized her natural ability to channel and started to direct it as a guidance tool while working as a spiritual counselor.

In 1989 she founded Spirits of the Earth®, a spiritual adventure travel company, touching the lives of hundreds of individuals while guiding them on spiritual journeys to Machu Picchu, Peru. Initiated in the Inca Tradition many times by different elders in Peru, including the Q’eros, Vera is a shaman in her own right.

Vera also leads international classes and retreats on many topics such as shamanism, metaphysics, Traditional Japanese Reiki and Awakening the Illuminated Heart (a course from School of Remembering, founded by Drunvalo Melchizedek). Vera studied with Debbie Ford and graduated with the Ford Institute as an Integrative and Spiritual Divorce Coaching Professional.

Source: Lilou Macé

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