
Sacred feminine archetypes: An interview with Mara Branscombe

(Global Heart | Esther Haasnoot) When a person embodies the power and love of the sacred feminine archetypes, everyone on this planet benefits. An Interview with Mara Branscombe about her new book: “Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen”.

There is a certain mysterious, holy, and sparkling flame that burns at the centre of each of us.


Listen to the voice of the sacred feminine. Can you hear it whisper?

Our early ancestors saw the Divine Feminine as the source of ‘All that is’, and they depended on her to sustain their lives.

“The book ‘Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen by Mara Branscombe’ is dedicated to the heart and soul changemakers of the world—for the divine feminine is calling us to remember who we are and why we are here. May the sacred feminine whisper again and again— you are worthy, you are whole, you are love.”


An Interview with Mara Branscombe about her new book: Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen” by Esther Haasnoot

Esther Haasnoot: Your wonderful book takes us on a creative adventure through the lens of seven female archetypes—Maiden, Mother, Sage, Huntress, Mystic, Lover, and Queen. What are archetypes, and why do they matter?

Mara Branscombe: Archetypes hold universal patterns, symbols, and themes found inside all of humanity. Foundational in aspects of Jungian psychology and woven into the tapestry of the collective unconscious – we can discover guiding principles and powers that move us, shape us, and inspire us to evolve.

When recognized and embodied, mythic, and universal archetypes can bring forward a thematic framework – or a mindset that allows us to understand why we are living out certain hardships in life. We are not just one archetype, yet we can be influenced and motivated by all the different archetypes over our life’s journey. By understanding and befriending the shadow qualities inside the archetypes, we enable the fullest, wisest, and most loving version of who we are today.

Archetypal knowledge allows us to honour, let go, and re-route a particular dysfunction or evolution within an archetype to generate deep transformation within.

Esther Haasnoot: What are the feminine archetypal qualities?

Mara Branscombe: Archetypes are living forces within us – they are not stereotypes but rather a lens into a deeper understanding of both our power and shadow. The historical influences of patriarchy and sexism run deep within our collective psyche. The feminine archetypal qualities range from inner peace and intuitive intelligence to sustainable problem-solving and effective leadership that can address the materialistic, capitalistic drive of mass consumption on this planet. The call of the feminine is like Mother Earth herself – resilient, resourceful, generative, abundant, and collaborative. The cultivation of a harmonized nervous system – or one’s personal awareness of inner to outer mind-body wholeness will address the imbalance of over-identifying with the masculine as the only way to be a successful leader and a powerful change-maker in our current culture.

Discerning outmoded paradigms and imbalanced power structures enables us to reclaim our feminine capacity while expressing the best version of who we are today. The archetypal codes are like field notes for the contemporary wisdom leader – mindfully crafting one’s personal power and creativity to embody the new feminine way of leadership, love, and sustainability on this planet.

Esther Haasnoot: In ancient spiritual traditions, women were the keepers of ancient wisdom. She aimed to live her life by certain ethical codes. By doing so, they maintained harmony and balance in the natural world and their communities. Many traditions saw women as the personification of the divine feminine on earth. Because of their openness and connection to their intuition. Their vision and ability to tap into higher wisdom were honoured and used for the benefit of the entire community. Connecting to our inner mysticism and walking the mystical path is therefore not only a fundamental human right but also our saving grace. Tell us a bit more about what it means to be a mystic. What is your take on this?

Mara Branscombe: To be a mystic in our modern world is to embody the virtue of compassion – not only for yourself but also for others. It is to discern when limiting core beliefs, negative attitudes, and overly critical judgements of self, others, and the world cloud one’s capacity to live with joy.

Cultivating the inner mystic begins with a mindfulness or contemplative practice that returns one to the authentic source or voice within. The daily soul work is generative of a mystical, spacious, and expansive awareness that is intuitive, authentic, and wildly inspirational. The mystic within comes alive when intentionally connecting to nature and specifically the 5 elements: earth, air, fire, water, and ether. Honouring the four seasons, the moon cycles, and our own cycles of change with intentional rituals builds our capacity to see from the eyes of the mystic. This way of being in the world ultimately generates a deep union with the source of creation – which I believe to be a radical, unconditional embodiment of love and joy.

Esther Haasnoot: The “wise medicine woman” is one of the most forgotten and suppressed female archetypes in human history. Once, her gifts of vision and healing were honoured and integrated into the lives of those she served. But that changed, in many cultures her archetype was condemned, suppressed, punished, distorted, and eventually almost forgotten. How to embrace and reclaim our feminine energy in a predominantly masculine world?

Mara Branscombe: It begins with a reclaiming of the divine feminine within – the wise, intuitive, and authentic spark that each one of us were born with. Now is the time to discern wherewho and why you give your power away. It is to become clear on which paradigms and societal constructs you are giving your precious energy to.

Awareness is the first step towards no longer over-identifying with the masculine systems of capitalism, sexism, patriarchy, and hustle culture. However you identify yourself, the call to become grounded, present, and attuned to your own energy body in a self-sustaining way is how to raise the collective vibration towards recalibrating with the “wise women” or the “sage wisdom” that is our birthright. This is the only way forward. A daily mindfulness practice – meditation, prayer, or mindful movement is essential to reclaiming and expressing our divine feminine energy in the way of personal and collective healing. Feminine leadership is radically transformative, powerful, and intuitive and is the remedy inside this great paradox of a highly distracted, technological, and disconnected world. Once we can sit quietly, and allow our intuitive voice to emerge – we will be guided towards a healing current of sustainability both individually and collectively.

Esther Haasnoot: There is something magical about sisterhood. The author Louise Bernikow said: “Female friendships that work are relationships in which women help each other to belong to themselves.” How do you see this? What do you think is the strength of sisterhood?

Mara Branscombe: I love this question. The strength of sisterhood is about removing all judgement, competition, and comparison from the narrative and the relationship. Even when there has been judgement, conflict, or resentment – I believe we are here to evolve. To me, this could translate as greeting each woman on this planet as your sister. This requires a high level of understanding of one’s own emotional patterning. When we understand what our triggers, traumas, and judegments are – we can then begin to compassionately see, sense, and connect with each woman as pure potential on their own journey in this lifetime. We must release judgement to truly see each other for who we are – not who we are not. We must look for beauty, goodness, and truth beyond criticism and judgement.

There is a resonance within the feminine channel that is calling us to align, wake up, and live in a reciprocal way with nature, humans, animals, and ourselves. To no longer battle, push, force, or plough through life without deepening into our true nature. When we encourage our passions and core values to stream through us, we create less inner conflict, and in turn, generate a higher vibrational life experience. A movement towards an embodied soul love and leadership through the feminine lens merges, ignites and forever shifts one’s consciousness for the betterment of humanity.

Esther Haasnoot: Our authentic voice can contribute to our mission to make the world a better place, but sometimes we feel overshadowed, or blocked from our true inner power. How can we know how and when we give away our energy to what is not true?

Mara Branscombe: Our authentic voice is directly connected to our intuitive discernment. The question to ask yourself is “Is this my anxiety or my intuition?” This is big. As children, we may have learned to shut down our intuition – and rather just cope with the trauma and anxiety we were raised in. Understanding the origin of one’s anxious voice will support the process of tuning into your intuition.

Your intuition does not come with a back story, nor is it attached to a past trauma or personal narrative. Rather your intuitive comes with a new feeling – be it strong or soft – it arrives with a big bold YES….a YES that feels right.

We can understand more fully where we give our power away when we are reacting to anxious, stressed-out patterns. This is the work- to discern where you are reacting from past triggers or “unconscious rulers”- patterns of protection that you might not even be aware of….this is not your true self. Your true self emerges when you feel in your intuitive clarity, your grounded power, and your capacity to live with joy, ease, calm, and love.

Esther Haasnoot: How can we create a sense of personal sanctuary, where we feel connected, peaceful, and inspired?

Mara Branscombe: The concept of sanctuary is integral to human nature—gathering in safe spaces, building spiritual havens, and discovering who we are beyond our mundane daily lives.

A sanctuary is steeped in intention, reverence, and peace. It is often a physical place of refuge where the imprints of truce exist.

Generating space within our homes that is kindred to us and alive with hints of the sacred is wildly healing. Be it a seasonal centrepiece on the dining table, an altar that reflects the elements, a fresh bouquet, oracle cards, or relics from your ancestors—we are reminded of the beauty of life. Having a journal by your bedside to capture your dreams, release your stressors and triggers, and express your morning and evening gratitude’s naturally grows a sanctuary within.

Nature offers sanctuaries, too: mountain peaks, old-growth forests, the lull of the ocean’s tides, the expansive sky painted with ephemeral cloud formations. When we tune into our external ecosystem, we naturally come home to our inner self. The nervous system calms, the mind clears, and our whole body recalibrates. 

When we cultivate intentional soul-care rituals and spaces, the sense of personal sanctuary envelopes us. We receive what matters most in the moment. This is the divine working its magic, blessing our lives, and giving us faith to carry on. 

Esther Haasnoot: The Egyptian goddess Isis was personified as the seer of all, the one who was in complete flow with all she crossed paths with. How to become a visionary leader with the heart and soul of Isis’ magic?

Mara Branscombe: In Sage, Huntress, Lover, Queen I honour Egyptian goddess Isis in direct alignment with the Sage archetype. The Sage is the intuitive one, the “wise elder” within – no matter what age or cycle of life you are in. To become a visionary leader with the heart and soul of Isis’s magic is to become tuned into one’s intuitive capacity – connecting more fully with your “gut instincts” and trusting them will enable your whole world to become part of the great universal flow. To understand that you are not separate from your ecosystem is the beginning. Awareness of your emotional patterning, limiting core beliefs, and reactionary habits is the first step to utilizing the evolutionary power of Isis. Once we do the personal soul work of healing, we no longer take things personally. We become less fatigued and stressed out, and naturally, we have a greater capacity to take leadership of our lives that is discerning, intuitive, and wildly magnetic. Let us bring back the power of Isis in modern-day culture by tapping into the generative power of being in compassionate response to ourselves, those we care for, the causes we believe in, and the movements we become leaders of.

Esther Haasnoot: Are the female archetypes meant only for women, or can men learn something from them as well?

Mara Branscombe: The female archetypes present a lens in which personal and present-moment awakening guides one toward an authentic and embodied voice within. This perspective is accessible to anyone; male, female, or gender fluid – who is curious about igniting a potent transformation within. Let us see beyond the past definition of gender into a universal consciousness of inclusivity and leadership. The path of the new feminine way is a shift away from our current political, social, and economic structures. The imbalance created by the old structures is calling for a radical shift. We have been living in a world that overly identifies with the masculine. To read this book with an open, curious mind is an act of both compassion and courage. It is to say YES to embracing one’s full capacity – no matter the stage, cycle, age, or gender you identify by.



About Mara Branscombe

Mara Branscombe is a mother, writer, yogi, artist, teacher, mindfulness leader, ceremonialist, and spiritual coach. She is the author of “Ritual As Remedy: Embodied Practices For Soul Care.” Mara is passionate about weaving the art of mindfulness, self-care, creativity, mind–body practices, and earth-based rituals into her life and work, and she has been leading community ceremonies since 2000. Mara currently lives in Vancouver, Canada with her husband and two daughters. For more information or to connect with Mara Branscombe visit: the website, Facebook, and Instagram.

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