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How to recognize a karmic relationship

(OMTimes | Ascending Hearts) Unfortunately, a karmic relationship is seldom good for you. They are relationships charged with soul lessons, and some of them may be very painful.

Are you in a karmic relationship?

How can you find out if your relationship is a Karmic one?

Do you feel a strong sense of familiarity when you meet someone? Like you know, this person from other lives? This baffles you, but it also pulls you closer to them due to a strong sense of curiosity that bubbles up in your mind. This sense of familiarity might be more than infatuation.

Signs of a karmic relationship

You feel an incredible desire for something you never wanted.

You feel a divine connection with that person.

You feel like you already know a lot about them without even talking to them.

Love as a karmic glue

If that person becomes your loved one, it will affect your relationship with a tantalizing intensity. You will feel an overwhelming sensation inside your bones, unlike anything you have ever felt before because of this unprecedented connection that you share with them.

Unfortunately, these are signs of a karmic relationship, and it is seldom good for you. They are relationship charged with soul lessons, and some of them may be very painful.

Three marital bonds exist Karmic, Dharmic, and Cosmic. The first are of pain, misery, hunger, nakedness, disgrace. The second are of success, bliss, love, financial progress, etc. The third is only for the select, pure, and holy souls and bring inexhaustible happiness.

~ Samael Aun Weor

What do you feel in the karmic relationship?

You tend to endure situations that are really destroying your self-esteem and preventing you from improving your self-esteem.

If you are used to the hate within you, you will feel nothing wrong, even if other people make you feel that way.

You are bound by your old family patterns because you voluntarily believe to be subjected to loneliness and acute despair. You may feel panic when thinking of ending up alone.

Suppose you are in a relationship that is under the power of karmic influence. In that case, you need to raise your vibration and earnestly to open your eyes to reality. Karma means balance and lessons. Sometimes these lessons involve self-love, self-care, and sovereignty. Otherwise, you will surround yourself with negativity and old patterns of limiting behavior. Do not hold yourself.

You do not even realize it, but you unconsciously repeat these patterns and put your future at risk.

Distinction between love and karma

It is not that easy to distinguish between loving relationships of souls and the karmic ones. Love should reassure and calm you, while karmic relationships will fill your life with the energy of unrest, of the feeling that you are permanently walking on eggs when with the person. That is not a comfortable feeling.

Suppose you are in a relationship with someone who deliberately accepts you, mistreats you, and takes advantage of your love. In that case, you are under the amazing hypnosis of karma.

You may or may not be completely aware of the situation, but you still need to choose to stay with that someone for unexplained reasons. You can have insane physical intimacy with them, and that may lead you to think it is worth saving that relationship, but no. It’s just a karma maneuver to make you feel all the possible angles of that relationship. Many of these feelings are solely yours and may not be reciprocated by the person in question.


Since karma is meeting self, we acquire karma as we meet self in our many attitudes and emotions; when we serve in loving-kindness and patience or hold resentful malicious thoughts. What we do to our fellow man we do to our Maker our karma or problem is within the self.

~ Edgar Cayce

karmic relationship

Acceptance stage: how to deal and reach this level?

Suppose you want to break free from the fascinating spell of karma. In that case, you must first accept that you are really stuck in a karmic relationship.

Once you understand that your union with your lover is unhappy, you can remedy your condition. Awareness is the first and important step.

You are the captain of your destiny

You have to settle the matter with your own hands and realize that you create your own destiny and that you shape your own path. Otherwise, you will leave things as they are and never do anything about your debilitating situation. Believe me, waiting and letting things be will only make things worse.

Look for help and talk

To get rid of old family patterns, you need to evolve and grow spiritually. It is not easy to rid of patterns we grew up with and tend to accept as normal, even when they are not.

However, this is not always easy. It may seem impossible. That’s why you need to ask for help and talk to someone. Allow a friend to reach out and help you out of this karma trench.

Learn from your mistakes

Finally, when you have made the difficult decision to dissolve your karma, you need to remain strong. You need to tell yourself with the conviction that you will never allow anyone to destroy your happiness and soothe your self-esteem. And above all, that you will not repeat the same mistakes with any other relationship.

Source: OMTimes


Want to read more on this topic? Check out our suggestions on the best book recommendations:

Conquer Your Karmic Relationships

Karmic Relationships 1-3

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