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Sacred voices

(Films For Action) Sacred Voices is a short film which shares the messages of eight traditional Sacred Natural Site Custodians from Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa and Uganda. They share an ancient birthright and duty to protect the Sacred Natural Sites found within their territories.

Sacred voices an ancient birthright

In April 2012 a unique meeting brought them together to share their experiences and concerns relating to their Sacred territories and the threats that they face. Together they drafted a “Statement on Common African Customary Laws for the Protection of Sacred Natural Sites” and created this film.

The Gaia Foundation and the African Biodiversity Network supported the making of this film in order that their voices are heard and shared, their opinions listened to and their requests supported. The film is being shown at conferences and film festivals around the world and we ask you to support this by sharing it amongst your own colleagues, peers, friends and family.

Source: Films For Action

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