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How toxic is your home?

(OMTimes) A home with a toxic environment can significantly impact your life!  Your house’s vibratory pattern is directly connected with the existing energies. How toxic is your home?

How to deal with the physical and spiritual toxicity of your home

“The ache for home lives in all of us. The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”

~ Maya Angelou, All God’s Children Need Traveling Shoes


Know that your house’s vibratory pattern is directly connected with the existing energies, especially the people’s state of mind.

This state of mind can even be affected by objects that are part of the decoration or that occupy unnecessary spaces in environments within your home and can even leave them loaded and cluttered.

We often go to places that leave us exhausted and tired, feeling that we have lost energy.

But when the toxic environment becomes our home, everything gets more complicated. Because it is in the safety of the house that we live with our family, we rest, we have moments of tranquility, and we should recharge our energies. Psychologically, a toxic home will affect many aspects of our lives.

No doubt that the environment influences us. And that is much more than mere energetic guesswork.

A home with a toxic environment will impact your daily life. Not finding what you are looking for, excess information, overwhelming colors, and disorder generate stress and conflicts, especially when we have commitments.

For all these reasons, creating a cozy, clean, organized environment where there is comfort and peace is fundamental to transforming your house into a home. An environment where the energy of harmony and creativity flows more easily is the same environment where we can disconnect from problems instead of creating new ones.

7 Tips to detox a toxic home

toxic home

1) Organized house, organized mind

When you organize your home, you calm your mind. That’s because the psychological effect is so powerful that you naturally change your thinking if you live in a tidy house. You don’t have to become a perfectionist or anything like that.

A healthy organization of environments means finding a destination for what is not used or is broken, having specific places to group goals with a similar purpose, and having space to move between furniture and rooms. Have access to windows. And keep things in place after use.

2) Cleanliness and hygiene bring harmony to the home

Cleaning is essential for a harmonious home. The Japanese are known worldwide for excelling in cleanliness and hygiene.

They believe that energy is concentrated or flows according to our environment. For example, they do not enter the house with the shoes they wore on the street so that the external energy does not have contact with the energy of the place.

This doesn’t have to be a habit in your home. But keeping rooms and furniture clean, in addition to preventing allergies and the accumulation of mites and bacteria, will make the environment more pleasant, and you will remain happier in that environment.

Without losing concentration, think about what to clean or other tasks that drain your energy.

3) Change the energy of your home by moving furniture around

Moving furniture around is an interesting exercise to change some habits. Unfortunately, a toxic environment becomes monotonous, where things always go the same way. Everything is always how you left it, with no space for anything new and no possibilities to change the energy. That is, it is a stagnant environment.

Move the furniture around, and you will see its power in your life. At the very least, you will have new perspectives to reorganize environments and make them more pleasant. If it doesn’t work, just go back to the previous arrangement.

4) Create cozy spaces for your home

A toxic environment has no room for a cozy ambiance. You are always uncomfortable, whether in the living room, in the bedroom, or on the sofa. Everything ends up bothering you. Or it also sucks you or makes you sleep or leaves you without attitude.

Create cozy spaces for your home. It’s worth putting a blanket on the sofa, fixing a lamp, trying new paintings, changing the incidence of light, and putting shelves with collectibles or family photos, rugs, and puffs. Several simple ideas can transform your home and make it cozier.

5) Transform a toxic home environment into a creative environment

 A creative environment is one where you have space to invent new things. It’s colorful and cheerful and has materials to use glue, scissors, colored pencils, and rulers. Can you imagine having a creative studio on your coffee table in the living room to play with the children and then leaving everything there again?

Have you ever thought about venturing into a hobby or learning a musical instrument? And the coloring books? There are many ideas and ways to have fun and a creative and relaxed atmosphere in your home. Try it. We are sure your stress level will drop considerably.

6) Don’t yell, reduce noise, and have moments of silence

Avoid screaming in your home, reduce excess noise, and sleep quietly in a dark environment. These are precious tips for your mind to come to rest and recharge your energies.

Try lowering your voice for everyday conversations. You will see that the lower you speak, the more you understand what is being said.

7) Corner of gratitude

Do you have a gratitude corner? This corner is a space for meditation or the simple practice of gratitude. Gather objects of sentimental, spiritual, and energetic value and a clean and organized space, careful with candles.

Use what most matches your intuition and faith. Take a moment of the day to be silent and give thanks. The power of gratitude is immeasurable and can help you have a happier home and a more harmonious life.

There are several other ways to make your home a cozy environment. Find the best way and make your home have a positive influence on your life. You will soon notice the change.

The worst home toxins are from

– objects you don’t use

– clothes you don’t like or haven’t worn in a while

– ugly things

– broken, chipped, or cracked things

– old letters, tickets

– dead or diseased plants

– old receipts/newspapers/magazines

– expired medicines

– old socks with holes

– overused shoes

– all kinds of junk that connect you to the past

The location of clutter

toxic home

– In the basement and attic, the junk becomes overloaded.

– At the entrance, they restrict the flow of life.

– Stacked on the ground, they pull us down.

– Above us are headaches.

– Under the bed, they pollute the sleep

– Scattered around the house, they clutter life.

When YOU Unclutter

– Health improves.

– Creativity grows.

– Relationships improve.

– There is greater reasoning ability.

– Lightness of spirit and mood

Questions that help with uncluttering

– Why am I saving this?

– Does it have anything to do with me today?

– How will I feel when I release this?

And make separate piles…

– To donate!

– To throw away!

– To sell!

 Cleaning the inside reflects the outside

– get rid of noise,

– bright lights,

– bright colors,

– chemical odors,

– synthetic coatings,

– which brings sad memories…

– release sorrows,

– Stop smoking,

– rethink the use of meat,

– finish unfinished projects.

Cultivate positive energy in your home. Do a general cleaning and use boxes for the organization:

– trash

– repairs

– recycling

– in doubt

– gifts

– Donation

– sell

Start with drawers and cabinets, complete each room, and do everything at your own pace. As you clean, watch the changes happening in you! As we clean our physical home, we also get our minds and hearts in order! Don’t cling to anything. If you start to let go, a tremendous release of energy will take place within you. The power involved in clinging to things will bring a new dawn to your being, a new light, a new understanding, and a tremendous stagnated energy to discharge.

Source: OMTimes

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