Do you ever feel like an outsider looking in? Here’s why
(Wake Up World | Aletheia Luna) Why do I feel like an outsider looking in? Outsiders & the existential crisis; why being an outsider is a spiritual path.
Do you feel like an outsider?
An outsider looking in type of a person quite simply does not fit in with existence-as-we-know-it. Such a person is a fringe dweller, a black sheep, a social oddball, and a displaced alien endlessly coexisting in a society that doesn’t feel like home. On this website, we refer to the outsider as the “lone wolf” who walks through life with a feeling of inner disconnection from the wider “norms” of society.
Chances are that if you’ve read this far, you can probably relate to feeling like an outsider looking in – and never quite finding that elusive sense of “belonging somewhere.”
Fear not! There’s a reason why you feel this way, and it’s not because there’s something defective or “wrong” with you.
In fact, despite what you may feel about yourself, others, and the world, being an outsider looking in is actually a huge advantage. I’ll explain to you why.
Why do i feel like an outsider looking in?
“Why do I feel like an outsider looking in?” – I’ve asked myself this question ever since I was about 6 years old.
For me, the sensation of being an outsider was triggered by painful shyness and my unconventional upbringing (aka. being raised by fundamentalist Christian parents).
In fact, I was practically hand-fed since birth with the idea that I was an “alien on this earth,” and that Jesus could come back at any time and take me to my “true home” in heaven. (Yep … enough said.)
Yet the feeling of being an outsider runs much deeper than religious brainwashing or being classed as one of the “unpopular kids” in school.
To me, this feeling of being an outsider looking in is something intrinsic, subterranean, and seemingly fundamental to my experience of being a human.
… otherwise, why would you be reading this article?
Perhaps you’ve also carried this unshakable feeling within you; that of being a nomad and wanderer in life. No matter how close you get to others, that feeling of being an outsider is always looming in the background:
it’s present in your interactions with people, your observations, dreams, desires, and motivations – and it awaits you at the beginning and end of your day.
I think you know what I mean. (And it’s this very feeling that, in truth, has motivated me to write everything I’ve ever written.)
But why do we feel this way?
I’ve done a lot of soul searching when it has come to this question. What I’ve discovered is that obviously there are many possible reasons for feeling like an outsider.
But the most significant reason I’ve found to date is all to do with the soul – that inner spark of divinity within us.
We’re all born with a soul but not all of us continue to maintain this deep inner connection as we grow older. Shamanic cultures call this disconnection soul loss. But that inner knowing that something is missing or askew is called a spiritual awakening.
As such, those of us who feel like outsiders quite simply are ‘awake’ to something others in society aren’t.
Outsiders & the existential crisis
Put simply, at the core of feeling like an outsider looking in is the sense that something is not quite right. We feel that we don’t belong because we can’t relate to the people or environments around us.
The end result of feeling this lack of belonging is that we don’t feel truly seen or heard (or we don’t feel safe enough to let ourselves be seen or heard).
And we don’t feel seen or heard because those people and situations don’t meet a deep soul need within us. Why? Because these people and situations lack substance – aka. everything feels very surface-level and unsatisfactory.
To borrow Buddhist terminology, we sense on an intuitive gut level that the world we’re living in is full of Dukkha (suffering), and the feeling that something is missing doesn’t quite leave us.
Such an unnerving feeling that the world doesn’t match up to our deeper soul needs gives rise to a kind of existential crisis. For some people, this existential crisis may be a consistent hum in the background, and for others, such feelings may evolve into a kind of dark existential depression.
But one thing is almost guaranteed. Feeling like an outsider looking in often leads to a spiritual awakening in which one goes in search of deeper answers.
If you’ve felt like an outsider for most of your life, you are almost certainly a highly sensitive and spiritually receptive person.
You have experienced firsthand how isolating the ego can be. You know how unnatural it is to live in a society that is obsessed with fame, status, money, and power. You know how superficial, senseless, and insane living an ego-centered life is.
But you can’t quite verbalize this. You can’t quite understand what you’re going through because you’re inundated with feelings of being “strange,” “weird,” “different,” and “unworthy.”
You long for a home that you’ve never even experienced; a place to feel completely understood, loved, and cherished.
That place is your soul.
It is your soul — your True Nature — that seeks to experience itself again.
In other words, deep down, what you’re really craving for is home.
Why being an outsider is a spiritual path
Although it can be lonely feeling like a social outsider, I’m here to remind you that there is a lot of power and potential in this sacred path.