Evolving through our spiritual transitions
(OMTimes | Judi Lynch) Even when we disagree on exactly what we believe in, we can find common ground just by being present and open to all the possibilities our transitions offer.
Finding common ground through our spiritual transitions
Helping others evolve their spiritual beliefs means giving them the freedom and understanding they need to speak their truth without judgment or consequences. Even when we disagree on exactly what we believe in, we can find common ground just by being present and open to all the possibilities our transitions offer.
Throughout our lives, we will most likely encounter extremely challenging situations in which we learn valuable lessons. Those lessons and all the experiences in our lives help us to define our unique ‘truths’ about ourselves and the world around us. If we choose to apply what we’ve learned in a spiritual way, we might just discover our truths can be vastly different from where we began. A process of helping us see that we were meant to evolve both our rational thinking and the mystical magic that lives inside us. How our thoughts and actions paint us, affect us and determine our future. We can visualize life as a series of transitions.
As adults, we maneuver our way through emotions and reactions that can deplete our energy. We can tend to judge ourselves too harshly over things we said or did in the heat of a moment, and we never learn how to forgive ourselves. It is so important to work on this for the sake of our confidence and self-esteem. To believe that we can transcend that action to a better choice in the future. We can see spirituality in growth and understanding of ourselves and in others. It’s never too late to take accountability for our mistakes and know we still have work to do. We can leave ourselves open to new ideas and the understanding of how the world around us changes then we can better adapt.
Believe in life themes
If we believe in life themes and that those themes are the backdrop of our missions here, we can accept what is truly possible to achieve. Life themes are those attributes, situations, and challenges that we experience during our lifetimes. Some of them help define us and wrap around us like a warm sweater, while others are challenges we can tackle early on. Tolerance, acceptance, healer, rescuer, nurturer, chaos maker, grief, spirituality, intuitive, empath, psychic, energy channel, banner carrier, and educator are just a few life themes we can experience here.
We may be on a mission to break certain cycles in our ancestry. Seeking healing help from addictions, old belief systems, lack of education, etc., and bringing light where before there was hopelessness. Our spiritual beliefs can change and morph as we change and grow into ourselves. We may see religion as too restrictive and controlling while still understanding that we are spiritual beings. Learning new life skills, asking for assistance, letting in new ideas, and helping others become a huge part of our education on Earth. Practicing methods that encourage the connection of mind, body, and spirit can be an incredible source of strength when healing from trauma and disappointments.
Not everyone will focus on purposes and life themes to discover their reasons for incarnating here. Feeling about life is about living it to the fullest, running at full speed, and taking things as they come without worrying or planning too much. Purpose and themes are still being fulfilled and recognized on the soul level to accomplish a consciousness evolution. Our interactions with each other matter as we play out life scenarios and control dramas and challenges with our choices and decisions. While some believe that people don’t ever change, we have to realize that many do. Once we see how those changes can positively affect our lives and the lives of others around us, we no longer let the past define our future actions.
A spiritual life support system
Looking at the challenging experiences that others have lived through and survived is also a great catalyst to help us realize our best options and decisions. We can choose to work with others as part of a spiritual life support system, and we become mentors and cheerleaders to those who are working on healing and thriving after disappointment and setbacks. It is important to have a community when we are depressed or alone to understand that others have been there. Helping others evolve their spiritual beliefs means giving them the freedom and understanding they need to speak their truth without judgment or consequences. Even when we disagree on exactly what we believe in, we can find common ground just by being present and open to all the possibilities our transitions offer.
About the author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity, and a writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read to clients all over the world.
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