
The magic and color of your personal year

(OMTimes) Discover the color frequency and vibration through the numerology for your new personal year, starting after your birthday.

Numerology – the magic and color of your personal year

Numerology can help you determine the perfect combination of Colors and Numbers vibrations in your life and discover the frequency and vibration for your new year, starting after your birthday.

First, consider the last birthday year and reduce the sum of the numbers from 1 to 9.

For example, let’s say it was on December 17, 2021.

Add up the following numbers: 1+7+1+2+2+0+2+1=16=1+6=7

( 7=Purple color).

This color will rule the from 12/17/2021 to 12/16/2022. After that date, you will do the calculations again and check the next color that will govern you next year.

Now, just calculate yours and check what the corresponding color has to say about what feelings, emotions, and energies will manifest on your energy field.

The Personal year by the number

Personal Year 1 – Red

oneThis color symbolizes vital force, the energy of love, passion, great stimulant to increase sensuality. The color will be a great choice for you to feel self-confident, believe more in yourself, raise your self-esteem, and feel more assertive in the face of life’s challenges A very invigorating color.


Personal Year 2 – Orange

twoThis color symbolizes prosperity, and joy provides willpower, raises your self-esteem, awakens you to life, and presents the power of communication in action. Use it so that you can live with more energy and joy in your existential path.


Personal Year 3 – Yellow

3This color symbolizes material abundance, as it represents the yellow of the Sun. It stimulates our creativity and mental power, so use this color to study, providing wisdom and knowledge for your intellect and attracting prosperity in all directions of life.


Personal Year 4 – Green

4This color symbolizes emotional balance, health, harmony, and inner peace. Great color for anyone with a health and wellness business. Green stimulates the magic of healing, awakening the pleasure of life and the joy of living.


Personal Year 5 – Blue

5This color also represents harmony, balance, and innermost calm, reduces feelings of anxiety, removes negative energies impregnated in environments, and awakens self-confidence for life. Use it to keep your emotional balance up to date. In addition, it opens your channels of spirituality.


Personal Year 6 – Indigo

6The indigo-blue color symbolizes the magic of wisdom and psychic faculties. Therefore, it is a color of extreme importance for our life in the sense of activating our imaginary power, our ideas, and also awakening, unfolding our intuitions. This color is closely associated with our mental power, concentration, and common sense.


Personal Year 7 – Violet

personal yearThis color symbolizes the expansion of our consciousness. Therefore, it is associated with spirituality. Violet color drives away astral miasmas, transmutes good energies in the environment, elevates our spirit, awakens our intuitions, and is a significant energetic vibration in moments of meditation and self-reflection.


Personal Year 8 – Pink or Salmon color (you choose!)

personal yearThis color symbolizes love, tenderness, and affective sensitivity, so use it to successfully harmonize your aura and soul. It brings the vibration of lovingkindness and opens your heart to new tender experiences.


Personal Year 9 – White

personal yearThis color symbolizes peace, tranquility, serenity, purification, and temperance. It’s great for clarifying our ideas and desires, making them achievable, and balancing our mind and spirit with mastery and candor.



Source: OMTimes

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