
The benefits of music therapy in mental health care for adults

(Shift) No matter how you feel, what culture you have or what are you’re in, music is very important. It helps you relax and it also provides you with the needed boost whenever you need one. It can provide different benefits, not only to your emotional aspect, but also to your mental health. Another great thing about music is that it is always available.

The benefits of music therapy

Music is being used for mental health care. Music therapy allows the person to connect with the music and deal with his or her emotional health. Through musical interaction, the client can easily communicate with the therapist, such as one found through BetterHelp. It is also one way to improve self-confidence as it helps you become more self-aware. To learn more about music and how it is being used as a therapy, here are some of the most important benefits that you can get from music

  • Relaxation – There are certain types of music that are created for relaxation. Whenever you are tired, you can always play your favorite music or any song that can calm your system. You can always do other relaxing activities while you listen to music on the background.
  • Creativity – There is a special connection between your brains and music. For children who get into music lessons at a young age, they become more creative because it has a way to enhance the brain. For adults, this is also something that can be beneficial.
  • Expression – The best songs are created while the artist is in extreme emotion. If you are experiencing something that is giving you pain or you are too happy, you can always express yourself through music. It has no boundaries. It is perfect for all people and all types of emotions.
  • Social Connection – With music, you can easily connect with other people. It gives you the confidence you need to feel good about yourself. This is a very important factor that can help you learn how to socialize and enjoy other people’s company again.

What happens during music therapy?

Music therapy is done with the assistance of a therapist and with the help of music lessons to be learned by the client. The major function of the therapist is to guide the client in learning how to express himself through music.

By creating music together, the experience is expected to enhance the expression of the person who is being guided. This musical interaction may last up to 10 sessions. Here are some of the music therapy activities that you will be learning:

  • Song writing – Writing a song is a fun activity that allows you to explore your talent in making music and composing lyrics. It is one of the most exciting parts of music therapy because while you are making music and writing songs, you are also expressing your thoughts and you are pouring your emotions.
  • Singing – The most important benefit that you can get from singing is self-confidence. In a band or even in a solo act, the singer is always the focus. While you learn to sing, you are also giving yourself a great chance to be better and be yourself again.
  • Visualization – Another great thing about music therapy is it allows you to visualize and to see through your emotions. Part of what you will be doing is to be fully aware of yourself and visualize the music that you are playing. With this, you will be more aware with different emotions. This is very helpful for people who want to understand more the others who are surrounding them.
  • Meditation – While you are doing music or you are playing a musical instrument, you can also meditate. The perfect way to free your mind from all the worries and just let your emotions flow is through music. If you are having a hard time meditating at home or on your own, you can always see the help of music therapist. Even while you are taking guitar lessons, you will still be able to meditate.
  • Lyric Analysis and Discussion – Analyzing lyrics will let you understand the feelings of the artist while he or she is writing the song. It is also a good way for you to relate and understand that people’s feelings can be the same. With the help of a music therapist, you will be able to discuss and understand the lyrics. The therapist will walk you through understanding and relating to your own experiences.
  • Creative Expression – Instead of letting your emotions rule you, why don’t you just use it to express yourself creatively? You will understand more about how this can be done effectively with the help of a therapist. After all, we are all created with skills and talents.

Mental care is very important if you want to care for your health holistically. Even if you are physically healthy, you will still not be able to achieve holistic health if you are suffering emotionally and mentally. There are a lot of things that can cause stress and anxiety. This is the fact of life that no one of us will be able to run away from. If you want to make sure that you are not being eaten up by stress, you have to do something worthwhile.

Do something that your future self will thank you for. Strive to be the best that you can in your career but do not forget to take care of your brain and your emotions. You owe it to yourself to have a better mind status. There will always be trials along the way but you can go through all of it if you have the right attitude.

About the author

Curtis Dean writes on behalf of Sage Music School where they base lessons on the science and research of the psychology of learning. Their effective teaching methods create confident and capable students who enjoy the happiness of making music.

Source: Uplift

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